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ILYA MUROMETS - WW1 Eastern Front

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 13:50
by 21_Sokol1
Uma variação do RoF no Front Russo...
1С Game Studios and the Russian Military Historical Society are excited to announce the development of ILYA MUROMETS, a new flight sim dedicated to World War I.

ILYA MUROMETS covers the events of the air war on the Eastern Front during WWI and features the gigantic and legendary four-engine bomber of the Imperial Russian Air Force. This plane became the first large bomber in the history of aerial warfare and is the forefather of the multi-engine long-range strategic aviation of later conflicts.

ILYA MUROMETS will feature several additional fighter planes and attack planes from Russia, Germany and Austro-Hungary. A map covering a portion of the Eastern Front (territory of modern Ukraine) will be included in the game. This was an active theatre for the Ilya Muromets during the war where several famous missions took place. The game will include a set of challenging single-player mission scenarios along with a quick mission builder and multiplayer capability.

“We’re happy to work together with the Russian Military Historical Society on this project. This is a unique opportunity for us to put our knowledge about air battles of that period into practice,” comments Albert Zhiltsov ala LOFT, producer at 1C Game Studios. “World War I, especially the Eastern Front, is a topic that is not widely covered in video games. Our team has vast experience in creating flight simulations and we have a chance to use all of our technology including an advanced physics system, complex flight models and accurate ballistics to bring this legendary plane to life. This project is more than a game to us - it’s a great opportunity to introduce players to the history of Russian aviation and to further build interest in the flight-sim genre. To make it more accessible to newcomers we also plan to introduce a new control system in the upcoming game.”




ILYA MUROMETS is scheduled to be released in Q4 2014 with the Early Access program starting August 1st.
Additional information about the game is available at
More screenshots from ILYA MUROMETS are available at
Apesar da aparência de "RoF" não é uma expansão para este, é "standalone".
1.) Q: Why is this separate product and not part of ROF proper? Many users have expressed interest having an Eastern Front add-on for ROF. Why do they need to purchase something separate which can easily be added to ROF’s existing store and architecture?

A: This product is funded by the Russian WWI Historical Society and it makes sense to market such a product independently without requiring users to download and install a separate product not necessarily focusing on the Ilya Muromets which is the star of this product. Additionally, this product will include a new control scheme that would require a huge re-write of existing code for all planes in ROF since special work is needed to allow our planes to fly with a mouse, but still adhere to our engine’s realistic attributes. Adding that functionality to all ROF planes is expensive and time consuming. It would also no doubt be controversial for existing users who fly with traditional flight-controls. Ilya Morumets allows us to create this new control option without upsetting current ROF gameplay norms. It also allows us to utilize our experience gained making and selling BOS to better attract interested retailers and new customers.

2: Q: So is the team working simultaniously on BoS and this sim or are there different teams working on each?

A: No same team does both.

3: Can you for instance take a plane which you bought in RoF and fly it in this sim?

A: No they are separate products and cannot be mixed and matched.
OK. Novidade é melhor do que nada, mas "WW1"?
Será que esse povo nunca viu falar da Koreia, Vietnam, Arabes x Israel Wars... ?


Re: ILYA MUROMETS - WW1 Eastern Front

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 14:05
by 28_Condor
this product will include a new control scheme that would require a huge re-write of existing code for all planes in ROF since special work is needed to allow our planes to fly with a mouse, but still adhere to our engine’s realistic attributes
Humm, Warthundera mode detected :P

Mas vou ficar de olho, adoraria voar o gigante russo 8)

Era "iderrubável" pelos caças da época, será que vai ser assim no game ou vão reenquilibrar as coisas? :?:


Re: ILYA MUROMETS - WW1 Eastern Front

Posted: 16 Jun 2014 21:02
by Furias

devidamente patrocinado pelo governo soviético, digo russo :hug:

Re: ILYA MUROMETS - WW1 Eastern Front

Posted: 20 Jun 2014 16:03
by 28_Condor
Plane Set

Russian empire
♦ Nieuport 17.C1 (fighter)
♦ Nieuport 11.C1 (fighter)
♦ SPAD 7.C1 (fighter, 1917 )
♦ “ILya Muromets” (bomber)

The enemy:

♦ Roland CIIa (recon)

♦ Albatros D.II (fighter)

♦ Albatros D.III (fighter)

♦ DFW C.V (recon)
Pelo planeset, deve ser principalmente "uma caçada ao monstro" :P
Meu tipo preferido :devil:
Se refizeram os controls no engine à moda do Bo$ pode ser que agora eu possa voar o RoF com o New View sem problemas...
Será que esse povo nunca viu falar da Koreia, Vietnam, Arabes x Israel Wars... ?
Mas se já está difícil adaptar o engine do RoF aos caças dos anos 40's imagina aos jatos e helicópteros dos 60's :P :lol:


Re: ILYA MUROMETS - WW1 Eastern Front

Posted: 26 Jun 2014 16:09
by 28_Condor

Para conhecer o planeset desse front:

Detalhe interessante sobre o Mouremetz:
The bombsights accuracy was excellent with 60..90% of the bombs hit a targets. Another instruments were very good too, ones allowed even to perform night operations from the begin of the war. Defensive armament was upgraded during the war and consist of 3..8 machineguns and automatic rifles).


Re: ILYA MUROMETS - WW1 Eastern Front

Posted: 27 Jun 2014 11:14
by 21_Sokol1
Bah, pode contar que vem com um "Boris'ight" genérico tipo Tablet com Android 2.0 a lá Bo$... |( :P


Re: ILYA MUROMETS - WW1 Eastern Front

Posted: 27 Jun 2014 13:35
by 28_Condor

Pois é, por mais que se resmungue contra a Imperis do CloD, é uma obra de arte em comparação...


Re: ILYA MUROMETS - WW1 Eastern Front

Posted: 22 Jul 2014 19:09
by 21_Sokol1

Re: ILYA MUROMETS - WW1 Eastern Front

Posted: 01 Aug 2014 11:22
by 21_Sokol1 ... MKMZl4_YkU[/video]

Voa tão lento que nem precisa de josytick (fly-by-mouse). :lol:


Re: ILYA MUROMETS - WW1 Eastern Front

Posted: 11 Dec 2014 16:48
by Furias
Mudança de planos: ROF e Ilya Muromets serão um único jogo.

na prática :

o novo bombardeiro russo já está na loja;

o mapa do front russo será de "grátis"

e é claro vamos logo com parte boa : o controle por mouse será implementado. Não vai dar polêmica e o melhor de tudo é que você não precisa concordar :P

depois só falta acrescentar o recurso no BOS.

Re: ILYA MUROMETS - WW1 Eastern Front

Posted: 11 Dec 2014 20:13
by 28_Condor

Será que vão liberar os genéricos da NP como no Bo$?

Sem saber isso não instalo não; da última vez o ROF ferrou meu new view.


Re: ILYA MUROMETS - WW1 Eastern Front

Posted: 12 Dec 2014 19:44
by 21_Sokol1
Esse mouse control é "point and follow" igual ao WT?


Re: ILYA MUROMETS - WW1 Eastern Front

Posted: 13 Dec 2014 10:32
by Furias
Segundo os desenvolvedores :

"With the ILya Muromets we've started an experiment to try to implement mouse controls without simplifying the flight physics out. Player feedback from that experiment tells us that it was pretty successful. So, now we're planning to transfer the technology to ROF and apply it to all the planes in the game. This should help to attract new pilots which are very important to keep the aviation history of World War I alive in hearts and minds of gamers all over the world and grow the ROF community.

Our mouse control was specifically designed to not interfere with how each individual aircraft flies or their unique personalities. Our intention is not to make ROF easier, but to simply give a new input method to those that prefer it. They will die over No Man’s Land all the same. Pilot skill is STILL the most important factor in ROF aerial combat. Please welcome such new users with a Vickers or Spandau hand-shake! "

É esperar pra ver e eventualmente testar. Mesmo com o joy o WT é muito mais simples que ROF- BOS e COD. Vc pode configurar o mouse e o joy com o mesmo grau de dificuldade . No jurássico Warbirds os 02 periféricos conviviam sem problemas e não havia vantagem clara de um sistema sobre o outro.


Re: ILYA MUROMETS - WW1 Eastern Front

Posted: 13 Dec 2014 10:44
by 44_Santo
Eu já pilotei o 1946 com o mouse e era muito mais difícil principalmente por não se ter ideia de onde o manche está.
Mas voava melhor com o mouse que com o joystick chingling que eu tinha.
Meu leme era o "Z" e o "X", muito punk. :lol:
Sem a referência de centro acabava estolando mais e raramente me recuperava.
