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COD:GHOST - promo video

Posted: 09 Nov 2013 20:05
by 21_Sokol1

Opnião de um fã sobre o MP - hardcore:
In Hardcore settings, I was smiling hugging walls, crawling in the dust, exploding from cover to cover!

One bullet one kill, no flying sight in the middle of the screen, no stupid map unless sat-com enabled, and the best of all: "Camouflage Works". I can't wait for the Guilly suit.

Because the camo works, you wont be seen at a certain distance, if you are immobile. Yet at middle to close range you will be a sitting duck. Then when you move the human eye catches you, and if you run will be seen at longer distance. Thus, it is a tactical balance between freezing, moving slowly, crawling and exploding from cover to cover.

The MP did not feel like a waste of time anymore.

Then, the little "run and gun" from the Zombie era, were cut at knee level!...They were healed, paid attention and hanged in groups, listened and stopped swearing.

It is worth deploying in an orderly, proficient, and military manner a tactical team, with professional comms, otherwise, one will spend more time respawning, blaming the game, instead of playing!