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DCS: Emb-312 "Toucan"

Posted: 26 Jan 2016 09:33
by 21_Sokol1
Image ... 2891_o.jpg ... 2139_o.jpg

A RAZMAN deverá portar o modelo do FSX/PREPAR para o DCS... daqui a alguns anos. :P

"So..we got a new 3d artist/developer joining our DCS ranks, please welcome Egar and his Emb-312 Tucano. These are early renders and the model is currently going thru extensive work to make it DCS functional.
The model might look familiar to some, since it has been marketed as "APEX Emb-312" for the FSX/P3D community.The DCS version will be marketed under the RAZBAM brand for the DCS comunity and will be based (after it´s done it´s fair to say loosely based) on this very same mesh.As usual, no release dates or deadlines, it will be ready..when ready
Welcome aboard Egar!"

Re: DCS: Emb-312 "Toucan"

Posted: 26 Jan 2016 10:44
by 28_Condor

Já estou na fila de espera 8)


Re: DCS: Emb-312 "Toucan"

Posted: 26 Jan 2016 18:38
by calinho
Com mais esforço poderia sair um EMB-314, muito mais negócio

Re: DCS: Emb-312 "Toucan"

Posted: 27 Jan 2016 20:20
by 21_Sokol1
Bonitinho... mas é outro destes "DCS plane for (MS) Flight Simulator" que não tenho a miníma vontade e motivo de comprar. :P

Re: DCS: Emb-312 "Toucan"

Posted: 10 Feb 2016 10:42
by 21_Sokol1

Re: DCS: Emb-312 "Toucan"

Posted: 05 May 2016 12:46
by 21_Sokol1
Cockpit "xinfrim", parecendo coisa de... FS 9. :P


Re: DCS: Emb-312 "Toucan"

Posted: 05 May 2016 23:52
by 28_Condor

Espero que seja só um esboço :tmi:


Re: DCS: Emb-312 "Toucan"

Posted: 25 May 2016 02:04
by 21_Sokol1
Toucan's over Nevada?[/video]

Re: DCS: Emb-312 "Toucan"

Posted: 25 May 2016 07:45
by 40_Griffon
Estes ST's ai tem mais "itens de série'' do que os da FAB, são todos "anabolizados", olha só o tamanho das placas de blindagem extra para piloto e co-piloto.
Fora os sensores a mais.

Re: DCS: Emb-312 "Toucan"

Posted: 10 Jun 2016 18:05
by 21_Sokol1
Le Toucan can fly.

Image ... 6171_o.jpg ... 8611_o.jpg

Precisam de Beta Tester.
Hey guys,

Work on the RAZBAM DCS: AT-27 flight model is getting started, and I would like to work in parallel with a few live at-will (and at your convenience) testers.

I would like three testers total, to work in a team as well as independently. I've asked two, and only one has accepted so far (the other is undecided). Please, provide some reasons why you would make a great tester!

It doesn't seem like it should be a big deal, but I'm really looking to assemble a small team of real know-it-alls as opposed to a reckless squadron of...whatever you want to call it. The two that I've asked are people who I know to be very intelligent, reliable testers. However, they have no evident specialized experience with the AT-27. I need to fill that space.

Some desirable experience:
T-27 Operation or Maintenance Experience*
PT6A-25C (or any variant PT6A) Operation or Maintenance Experience*
Light Turboprop Aircraft Flight Experience

And clarification:
The AT-27 EFM is pre-Alpha at this time (work has really just begun)
I can't promise you any form of compensation at this time
You can test at your convenience, but at least 2-4 hours/wk is best
You will need to sign an NDA

If you don't want to reply to this thread, feel free to PM me with interest or question/clarifications/concerns.
Thank you!

Gregory Smiddy

RAZBAM Simulations

Re: DCS: Emb-312 "Toucan"

Posted: 23 Jun 2016 19:27
by 21_Sokol1
'pit do Toucan over Batumi. :P
